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ARWA Early & Mid Career Awards
Image by Carlos Arthur M.R

ARWA Early Career Research Award

Description & Purpose

This award aims to recognize a talented early-career researcher who shows outstanding research potential in an area of reading and writing research that is related to Asia. The award winner will receive a 2000HKD (about 255USD) cash prize and a certificate.



  • Applicant must be a postdoctoral fellow, lecturer, assistant professor, or research scientist who obtained a Ph.D. or equivalent degree no more than 10 years previously from the date of the application

  • Applicant must be a current ARWA member who has an accepted spoken paper or poster presentation for the meeting at which the award is announced

  • Applicant must have an outstanding research track-record in a specific research area related to literacy development as evidenced by (but not limited to) journal publications and other research activities on the reading and writing processes with a relation to Asia (Asian languages or languages taught in Asia).

  • The nomination can be based on a single exceptionally significant achievement or the aggregate of a number of exemplary achievements.

  • We value both achievement and diversity in our selection process.


Nomination and Application Procedure

To apply, please send us the following:

  1. A 1-page nomination letter from a supervisor or other recommender (this cannot be a self-nomination) that describes how the candidate’s research demonstrates the promise of significantly advancing our current understanding of reading and writing related to Asia

  2. A 250-word summary from the applicant on the innovative aspects of the applicant’s own work

  3. The applicant’s curriculum vitae

  4. One electronic reprint representative of the nominee’s contributions

  5. Nominations should be sent to the ARWA secretary (Prof. LI Su, by Sep 1 each year


ARWA is committed to supporting and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. The ARWA Board has decided to allow applicants to subtract parental or medical leave from the eligibility period under certain conditions. The rules can be found here.


The award recipient must be approved by the ARWA Board members based upon recommendation of the Awards Committee. The decision of the Board is final.

ARWA Mid-Career Award

Description & Purpose

The ARWA mid-career award aims at recognizing a researcher who is currently in the middle of his/her career (approximately associate professor level or equivalent) and who has a distinguished research record in the area of literacy acquisition that is related to Asia in particular or more generally to cross-linguistic / cross-scriptal literacy acquisition. 



  • One mid-career award will be formally recognized at the annual ARWA meeting and the awardee will receive a 3000HKD (about 385USD) cash prize and a certificate.




  • Nominees are Associate Professors (or equivalent) or have completed their PhD approximately 20 years or less before the nomination deadline (Full Professors are not eligible)

  • The nominee must be a member of ARWA


Nomination procedure

  • Nominations must include the following:

    • The nominee’s CV

    • A letter of support (no more than 2 pages) that makes the case as to why the nominee deserves the award. The letter should also describe the contributions of the nominee to ARWA.

    • Five most significant publications with an explanation of their importance

  • Nominations should be sent to the ARWA secretary (Prof. LI Su,​by Sep 1 each year. 


Selection process


  • Nominations will be elected by the ARWA Awards Committee based on scientific merit

  • ARWA is committed to supporting and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. 

  • The ARWA Board has decided to allow applicants to subtract parental or medical leave from the eligibility period under certain conditions. The rules can be found here.

  • The award recipient must be approved by the ARWA Board members based upon recommendation of the Awards Committee. The decision of the Board is final.

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