​Conference Scholarships for
Student Researchers from Asia
Every year, three conference scholarships are available for top student researchers in Asia who attend and present at the ARWA conference. Each awardee will be given HK$1500 (or US$190) and a certificate at the conference ceremony. Typically, two scholarships will be given to student researchers from Chinese-speaking regions, including Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and one scholarship to student researchers from other regions in Asia. Each awardee will be invited to give a presentation at the ARWA conference on reading/writing development research/practice in their respective country.
Please submit the following documents to the panel chair, Dr. LIU Duo, Phil (duoliu@eduhk.hk) by the abstract submission deadline.
For submissions, the following are required:
1. A separate application form for scholarship (download the Word doc application form here, fill in, and send as a PDF)
2. Curriculum Vitae in English (PDF format)
3. A copy of your submission confirmation email to the coming ARWA conference