The 7th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA 2023)
23-24 February, 2023, Held online from Hong Kong
Conference Coordinator : Dr. Kevin Kien Hoa Chung
The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
The 7th annual ARWA Conference is hosted by The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. The Conference will provide an interactive platform for academics, researchers, and students to share their insights and experience on research related to reading and writing. You are cordially invited to deliver presentations across the spectrum of literacy development, literacy impairment, and expert linguistic processing in Asia from related fields such as psychology, education, linguistics and neuroscience.​
The two-day Conference will feature the following activities:
Keynote Sessions
Oral Presentations – 15 minutes for each presentation, including audience discussion.
Poster Presentations – 5 minutes for each presentation, including Q&A.
Panel Symposium – A symposium provides an opportunity to examine one topic in depth or from different perspectives. Symposium sessions are directed by one chair, with 3-4 presenters of 15-minute oral presentation and audience discussion. Presenters should represent different institutions/laboratories, and we encourage an international mix of contributors.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (by last name)
Understanding Literacy Development in Korean
Professor Jeung-Ryeul Cho, Kyungnam University, Republic of Korea
Korean Hangul is an alphabet, but it is also called an alphasyllabary. Korean language and script not only have the characteristics of English as an alphabet, but also the characteristics of Chinese because Sino-Korean words account for a high proportion of Korean vocabulary. Thus, it is interesting to examine literacy development in Korean. My talk will first review the results of previous studies on the universal and language-specific cognitive demands for Hangul learning. Next, I would like to introduce recent studies focusing on different cognitive strategies for various Korean language learners, including Korean children and Chinese adults who learn Korean as a foreign language, to read and write Korean words. Specifically, these participants tend to use phonological processing skills in spelling of phonologically consistent syllables in Korean. On the other hand, they tend to use vocabulary and metalinguistic skills such as orthographic and morphological awareness to spell phonologically inconsistent targets. In addition, Korean children who were deaf and hard of hearing showed different reading and spelling strategies compared to their typical hearing peers. Finally, I will review recent training studies on Korean kindergarten children with or without reading difficulties. And I conclude with some suggestions for future research.
From Home to Higher Education in Different Language Environments:
The Questions That (sometimes) Keep Me Awake at Night
Professor Rauno Parrila, Macquarie University, Australia
Over the last 30 years, I have been exceptionally fortunate to work with many talented colleagues in different parts of the world on factors affecting typical and atypical reading development from early childhood to young adults. In this keynote, I will first present the metatheoretical model that has helped me to interpret and frequently also integrate the seemingly unrelated findings. I will then briefly discuss three research topics that I consider related, insufficiently studied, and very important for the progress of reading research in service of the poor readers, their parents and teachers. These are agency in early childhood, persistently poor readers (“treatment resistors”) in primary school, and compensation in secondary school and beyond.
Learning to Read in Vietnamese: Language Precursors and Contributing Factors
Dr Giang Thuy Pham, San Diego State University, USA
Cross-national studies of transparent orthographies have shown that most children learn to read rapidly following formal instruction. However, a subset of readers will continue to have difficulty. Research on transparent orthographies is primarily based on Indo-European languages. Vietnamese, a new language to the reading acquisition literature, has a transparent orthography yet is from the Austroasiatic language family. Vietnamese uses the Roman alphabet with diacritics to represent its six tones and certain vowel singletons and combinations. Formal reading instruction in Vietnam begins in first grade. This presentation focuses on the reading performance of a sample of children from Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, who completed language and literacy measures in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. Based on the Simple View of Reading (Gough & Tunmer, 1986; Hoover & Gough, 1990), we examine relations between kindergarten precursors, first grade decoding, and reading comprehension (e.g., Pham & Snow, 2020; Ho, Pham, & Dam, 2021). Precursors include phonological awareness, rapid automized naming, and vocabulary. Related factors such as reading attitudes are also considered. These initial studies pave the way for future investigation of Vietnamese literacy development. Findings have implications for educational instruction and intervention for struggling readers.
For Oral and Poster presentations, please submit your abstract (in 250 words) online:
For those who would like to do a symposium, please contact the conference secretariat at
Abstract submission deadline: Extended to 15 December 2022
Acceptance notification: by 9 January 2023
ARWA’s paying members are eligible to join the 2023 conference for free. Membership registration:
​​Please register after receiving acceptance notification and ensure that all presenters (including the co-authors) register by 30 January 2023.
Oral sessions
For each session, there will be 3 to 4 presentations on the same or a similar area of research. All presentations are 15 minutes in length, including discussion.
The speakers should use their real names when they present.
The presentation slides should have a 16:9 ratio (screen size format) with landscape/horizontal orientation. Texts and figures should be big enough, and images should be high quality.
Poster sessions
Poster presenters will be organized into groups based on topics and keywords. Each presenter will present the poster for 3-5 minutes with Q&A session.
The poster should be a single slide with a 16:9 ratio, landscape/horizontal orientation.
The poster should include the presentation title, and names and affiliations of all the contributing authors. The name and affiliation of the presenting author should be indicated.
Texts and figures should be big enough, and images should be high quality.
Presenters are requested to send the pdf version of the poster to: by 9 February 2023.
Presenters may choose to prepare a 3-minute video walk-through of the poster presentation. Please make sure that the video can be accessed worldwide.
Please note that the poster uploaded will be public, citable, shareable, licensed to the presenter, and available online during the conference period.
Abstract submission deadline: 21 November 2022
Acceptance notification: by 9 January 2023
Registration deadline: 30 January 2023 (for presenters); 16 February 2023 (for attendees)
Submission of poster (in pdf format; for poster presentations only): 9 February 2023
Conference scholarships are available for top student researchers in Asia who delivers a presentation at the ARWA conference. For details, please visit:
The journal Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal is accepting submissions to the ARWA 2023 special issue.
Deadline for submission: 1 May 2023
After login, click “submit a new manuscript”
Select “SI: ARWA 2023’ in the dropdown list for “Article Type”
Then follow the instructions to submit the manuscript
You may also refer to the link for the submission guidelines before submitting.
Conference Coordinator:
Dr. Kevin Kien Hoa Chung, Centre for Child and Family Science and Department of Early Childhood Education, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)
Conference Secretariat:
Centre for Child and Family Science, EdUHK
Members of the Scientific Program:
Dr. William Choi, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Phil Liu, Department of Special Education and Counselling, EdUHK
Dr. Sisi Liu, Department of Special Education and Counselling, EdUHK
Dr. Xiuhong Tong, Department of Psychology, EdUHK
Dr. Patcy Yeung, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Angus Wang, Department of Special Education, National Tsing Hua University
Members of the Technical Support:
Dr. Kevin Chan, Centre for Child and Family Science, EdUHK
Dr. Alfred Lee, Centre for Child and Family Science, EdUHK
Dr. Catrina Liu, Centre for Child and Family Science, EdUHK
Jeung-Ryeul Cho received a B.A. in educational psychology from Ewha Womans University in Korea and a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from Louisiana State University in the U.S. She has been a professor of psychology at Kyungnam University in Korea since 1991. Her research began to examine the processes of word recognition in Korean Hangul, Chinese Hanja and English among Korean adults. Since 2000, her research has focused on literacy development and impairment of Korean children. She has published more than 60 articles in international and Korean domestic journals and book chapters. In addition, she published two standardized tests, the Korean Test of Literacy Diagnosis (2017) and the Korean Test of Language and Literacy Skills (2020). In 2018, she received an honorary award from the Korean Ministry of Education for outstanding achievements in academic research projects.
Dr. Rauno Parrila is a Professor at the School of Education at Macquarie University and Macquarie Centre for Reading in Sydney, Australia. Dr. Parrila received his Ph.D. in 1996 from University of Alberta, Canada. He has since worked at Queen’s University, Canada, University of Tromsø, Norway, and University of Alberta, Canada, prior to joining Macquarie University. He is a docent in Applied Cognitive Psychology in Department of Psychology at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and former the Editor-in-Chief of Scientific Studies of Reading journal. Dr. Parrila has published 150 journal articles, book chapters and books on psychological, linguistic, and social correlates of both typical and atypical development of reading skills from early childhood to adulthood.
Giang T. Pham, Ph.D. CCC-SLP, is an Associate Professor of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and Associate Dean for Research of the College of Health and Human Services at San Diego State University in San Diego, California, USA. She directs the Bilingual Development in Context laboratory, and her research is funded by the National Institutes of Health to study Vietnamese language and reading development and to improve the identification accuracy of language disorder in Vietnam and for bilinguals in the United States who speak Vietnamese or Spanish. She publishes in scientific journals including Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal and Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, and co-authored a book, Language Disorders in Bilingual Children and Adults, 3rd edition.